Approaching Storm |
We have the luxury of being able to run into our homes and get out of the wind and rain, while birds are seemingly at the mercy of the elements. Actually birds are quite resourcefully equipped to handle being out in the weather. They have a sort of sixth sense that is sensitive to barometric pressure, so they know when bad weather is approaching. Then they immediately begin to prepare by foraging for food. They fill their bellies since they don't know how long the storm will last. Then they find someplace that provides some shelter and hunker down until the brunt of the wind and rain passes. Birds are also equipped with feathers that repel water and that can be fluffed up or flattened down to keep them warm and dry.
Much can be learned from birds about what to do when storms or difficulties of any kind beset us in our lives. Like the birds, we can be aware of the storms on our horizon and take care of our basic needs until the storm passes.
Approaching Storm. Oils on canvas. 16 x 20 inches. 2017.