Male Nude |
This fall I have begun doing life drawings of live nude models. It takes me back to my college years when I had the opportunity to draw nudes several times a week for all four years. . .an experience that I, for the most part, took for granted at the time.
Our sessions begin with a series of action poses - each pose lasting only a minute. I try to capture motion, the energy flowing through the body, stretching and straining of the muscles in my gesture drawings.
After doing several gestures drawings we settle into longer poses, such as the one here. I begin with a simple contour drawing tracking the
edge of the figure with my eyes, while simultaneously drawing
the contour very slowly, in a steady, continuous line as if I am tracing my pencil along the contour of the body. I then develop the drawing by focusing on the interplay of light on the body and the areas around the body using conte crayon on the toned paper.
Mixed media drawing. 18 x 24 inches. 2016
Poppy Dreams |
The California Poppy responds to the sun - opening and closing in
response to the radiance of light and is found in open, sunny
meadows. When the early Spanish settlers of California arrived, they saw vast fields of the California Poppy lighting up the coastal hillsides. The sight of poppy fields was a landmark by which they guided their ships. They called
the California coast the “land of fire,” and the plant the “cup of
gold,” (“copa de oro”). Long before the Europeans came to the New
World, Native American peoples used various preparations of the
California Poppy plant for toothaches, to relieve headaches and stomach
aches, and as a sleep aid for children.
I call this painting "Poppy Dreams" because "the poppy is a symbol of Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. Just before blooming, the bud hangs its head - heavy with the
promise of blossom. In fact, the cocooned bud seems to droop in
somnolence, as if enchanted or perhaps the bud is pregnant with floral dreams.Most of us are familiar with the hallucinogenic/narcotic properties of the poppy. The ancient Greeks understood this, and so we see another link to Morpheus and poppy symbolism. Morpheus lived in his own world - a world of dreams, fantasy and complete nonadherence to traditional reality.
He was destined to live here and rule the realms of dreams."
Oil on canvas. 16 x 20 inches. 2016.