Saturday, March 19, 2016

We live in an area along the west coast of Florida where herons of all sorts are plentiful. These are Great White Herons, the largest heron species.  It is easy to distinguish the Great White Heron from a similar bird, the egret.  Herons have yellow legs and egrets have black ones.  

Herons are primarily solitary, free spirits, preferring seclusion and privacy.  They hunt alone rather than with a mate or another bird.  Alone in the world. Surviving.

Despite being fiercely independent, there are times when herons come together to work together building nests, feeding and caring for their young.. . .the time when they begin to raise a family. The coming of their young brings them together. No longer alone.  

Coming together after standing alone in the world. . .coming together for the good and love of their child. . .setting aside a solitary approach to life for a common purpose, a greater good. . .the care and nurture of one's child. . .the child brings them together.